Which activities are not eligible for payment with Alma?

  • Updated

The Seller may not use the Alma payment solution to trade, even indirectly, in the activities listed below, as well as all activities considered prohibited by our service providers (Visa, Mastercard, Stripe, etc.). In particular, the following activities are prohibited:

  • Activities outside the countries mentioned on the Alma website;
  • Any activity prohibited by law, such as the sale of products outside the legal commerce, such as narcotics and firearms;
  • Products in the form of unlimited subscriptions;
  • Products, including uniforms or emblems, reminiscent of an organization banned by the administrative authorities or declared criminal by a French court; as well as all objects whose purpose is to promote the acceptance of ideas contrary to the values of the French Republic, including products commenting favorably on terrorist acts carried out or inciting their realization, as well as products commenting favorably on acts of proselytism, violence, incitement to hatred, xenophobia, homophobia, racism or drug use;
  • On online betting, gambling, casino, fortune-telling, clairvoyance, horoscopes, spiritualism, telepathy, etc.
  • Sites with pornographic content, escort services or the sale of sex dolls
  • Sites that promote or sell narcotics or drugs;
  • Sites presenting a significant similarity (at Alma's discretion) with a known and already existing company, brand, logo or site, even if the products on sale are not counterfeit;
  • Sites designed to initiate, encourage or sell so-called "quick fix" products, or presenting aggressive advertising. This includes sites that engage in abusive billing, such as "Enter your bank card to win a €1 iPhone";
  • The acquisition and possession of war materiel, weapons, ammunition and their components in category A, including category A1;
  • Falsified documents, particularly those issued by governments, as well as related software and tools (PhotoShop sheets, automatic forgery creation software, etc.);
  • Sites with similarities to forced sales, in particular sites providing programmed accessibility agendas (ADAP);
  • Advertising services, in particular offshore platforms allowing advertising on streaming sites, pornography sites or any other type of 'aggressive' advertising;
  • Sites for paying fines, financial penalties, debts or claims, whatever their origin;
  • Software designed to attack or test an information system, including but not limited to spamming, DDOS, phishing, port sniffing, ransomware, spoofing, 0day vulnerabilities;
  • Financial instruments (such as forex, binary options, crypto-currencies), gift cards, trading and all types of prepaid cards;
  • Kitty services, fundraising and all types of financing for charities, foundations and associations;
  • Sites presenting an extreme political, economic, sociological or psychological orientation or dogma, which may or may not compromise Alma's reputation or damage its image;
  • Sites presenting a multi-level sales activity ("MLM: Multi-Level Marketing") and pyramid or Ponzi scheme activities;
  • Pawnbroking and cash-for-clunkers services;
  • Basic necessities (general groceries, cleaning and hygiene products, rent advances, etc.);
  • Alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, cider, spirits, etc.).

It is important to note that even if an activity is not listed as prohibited but considered by our teams as risky, it will be analyzed to determine whether we accept the entry into business relationship with the Seller.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team at compliance@getalma.eu.

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