My payment was unsuccessful

  • Updated

If your payment with Alma was unsuccessful, there are several possible reasons.

  • First of all, you may be trying to use a bank card that is not accepted by Alma: you’ll be able to find more information on the cards accepted by Alma on this page. You can try again with another bank card supported by Alma. If your bank card is among the accepted cards, it’s possible the card number you entered contained errors. Please make sure that you have correctly entered your bank card numbers (including the expiry date and 3-digit verification code) on the Alma payment page.
  • If you’re still getting an error message, please make sure that you have the necessary funds for the transaction on your account, and that the payment limit on your card has not been reached.
  • It is also necessary to validate the 3D Secure authentication step (usually an SMS sent to your phone or a push notification on your banking application) to finalise the payment. 

If you are certain that all these criteria have been met, please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting the email address you used during your payment attempt.

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